

Here is a my list of keystone projects that I have worked on over the past few years. Many of these projects are simply a result of me scratching an itch or practicing skills like Front-End Engineering or SQL/R during times when we are not using these at work yet I want to keep myself fresh.

UAP/UFO Analysis with R

I used the National UFO Reporting Center data on UFO sightings to see what insights we could extract from over 30 years of reported UFO sightings.

UAP Blog Post

In this blog I documented:

See Code on Github

The Office Quote Machine

The Office Quote Machine was one of the first React apps that I made while I was working on my Front-End Engineering certifications on freeCodeCamp. This version is created with Next.js and Tailwind CSS and is hosted on Vercel with the Hobby tier.

The Office Quote Machine

The app has two React components. The first component includes a JavaScript array with the list of quotes and authors while the second is a card that displays the text. Each time the user clicks the button, a variable index is increased and the next quote will display on the card.

My key learnings that I got from working through this project was how to use React components with props and how to add interactivity to components. In addition, what I migrated the original version of this project I learned how to use Next.js and Tailwind CSS which I believe will be useful for these standalone types of projects. The Office Quote Machine is also a responsive app that will appear different to you if you view it on your phone. This responsiveness is created using media queries and also built-in class provided by Tailwind.

Go To App

See Code on Github

coderr R Package

I built an R package while working at College Board when I had to work almost exclusively in SQL since our data was very large. The reason I put some time into this project was that I wanted to follow the same pattern put forth in the tidyverse set of packages with large data.

coderr R package

This package provides a way to craft simple SQL statements from R that can be sent to a SQL server or a local SQL datasource. The structure of the package allows you to use the %>% operator to pipe the output of a function to the next function so you can still have a readable code chunk.

This Blog

You are reading this blog which I personally developed using the Elevently static site generator which I have hosted on on their free tier. In addition to the content on the site, I also have coded custom CSS and changed the template structure to fit this system to my needs.

I've used various tools throughout the years to deploy personal and business websites for various purposes. When I was managing a content business I generally used WordPress sites customized with plugins and some custom PHP, HTML, and CSS. In addition, for some use cases I have used very simple static HTML hosted on services such as Amazon AWS. Finally, I've tested and used a variety of other higher level tools such as SquareSpace and site tools provided by Google.

I choose Eleventy because I would update this site using my typical workflow for content which starts using Markdown files and Git for version control. The process of updating an Eleventy blog simply consists of pushing git changes to the repo hosted on Also, I love that Eleventy does not require a complex database and templating system that is prone to getting too slow or getting misconfigured during plug-in updates. I'm looking at you WordPress.

Technology Books

I have written five books about technology topics including programming for mobile apps and data science topics. You can see a full list of these here: Matt's Tech Books.

Key Roles

  • Lead ERP/SIS Analyst (Workday Reporting, PRISM, SQL, R, Tableau)
  • Data Scientist (R, SQL, Data Analysis)
  • iOS Boot Camp Instructor (Programmer, Content Creator, Trainer)
  • Lead Statistical Programmer (SAS, VBA, C#, UI/UX)


  • Master’s degree in Information Systems Management
  • Front-End Engineer Certifications (freeCodeCamp)
  • Data Scientist with R Certification (Data Camp)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Psychology


  • Objective-C Recipes (Apress)
  • How to Build An App (Mobile App Mastery)
  • Objective-C Quick Reference (Apress)
  • Swift Quick Syntax Reference (Apress)
  • Learn RStudio IDE, Quick, Effective Productive Data Science (Apress)
